Located in Hogansburg, New York this heritage museum offers exhibits on Kanienkehaka (Mohawk) culture and has space inside a library. Exhibits on the history of the area, an interactive youth exhibit and collections of historical artifacts can be found there. Throughout the year there are lectures, art activities for children and exhibit receptions. The museum highlights an artist from the community each month and posts their work on the website below.
The heritage museum also has an affiliate in Ontario, Canada called The Ronathahonni Cultural Center where they have similar exhibits and activities throughout the year. Since the Kaniekehaka territory straddles Ontario, Quebec and New York there are two Heritage museums. Please check out both the museums and let me know what you think. Are there ways to get new audiences to check out the museums?
Thanks for posting this. I tried to reply before but had trouble with the login. If this works, I'll write more soon! I was not aware of this site and look forward to exploring!
Looks like it worked today. Anyway, you've done a very nice job aggregating lots of interesting sites. Hopefully your resource will get lots of visitors!
Along the same lines, I just have to mention the Mashantucket Pequot Museum & Research Center, located in southeastern CT. It is a FANTASTIC museum about the Algonquian and Pequot heritage, and their library is one of the most complete and non-bias you will ever find.
One of my favorite exhibits (aside from the 3+ acre indoor 18th century village recreation) is the last exhbit. It consists of these huge grosly oversized black and white potraits of the tribal members and really emphasises their diversity. Even though they're all considered "Pequot" some have chosen to dress in traditional regalia, others pose with their family members, while others adorn a buisness suit. It illustrates how even through you're part of a culture, there is still much diversity among the members.
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